Conqueror plus Square Restaurants POS
Center-wide POS technology for bowling entertainment centers
The QubicaAMF and Square collaboration combines cutting-edge technologies from both companies to create a powerful, end-to-end integrated management solution. Together we help you deliver an exceptional guest experience and empower your bowling entertainment center with operational excellence and enhanced customer service.
Integrated technology is an exciting start, but this long-term partnership goes far beyond that. We’re working together to ensure your centers are supported every step of the way with dedicated QubicaAMF and Square account managers providing direct, long-term support for you and your team. Click to download the brochure below.

About Square
Fifteen years ago, not all businesses could accept credit cards. Square set out to change that — inventing the first mobile card reader of its kind. With this shift, Square’s journey took off — moving far beyond its origins as a payment processor to building new tools and solutions for the future. Today, Square is the largest business technology platform serving all kinds of businesses. The Square operating system allows business owners to sell anywhere, work more efficiently, manage inventory, communicate with customers, book appointments, course meals, order online, and so much more. These tools unlock endless possibilities and countless opportunities for any operation from global chains to mom-and-pop shops.
Get in touch
Boost your center with the most experienced partner in the business. A partner who will stand by you and guide you all the way.