Maximize Your Business
Looking to boost your revenue effortlessly? Fly’n Ducks duckpin bowling offers a hassle-free way to maximize your earnings. With simple operation and no need for additional skilled labor, your staff can focus on providing top-notch service to your customers. You won't have to worry about inventory expenses like lane conditioning materials, special shoes, or various ball sizes. Plus, you can easily adjust pricing automatically. The profits will roll in!

Easy Operations
No special shoes are needed and the ball size is standard, reducing your inventory. No lane conditioning makes for easy operations. Our tech products including Tech Wizard, Pay at the Lanes, EDGE String simplify operations even further.

Fits With Your Business Model
Fly’n Ducks is the perfect addition for your business model. It’s entertainment with a smaller footprint. It’s perfect for places where people gather including family entertainment centers, bars, restaurants, breweries, cinemas, hotels, restaurants, casinos, apartment complexes and communities, even an expansive residential basement.

Maximize Profits
Bring on the revenue! Fly’n Ducks is a profit generator because guests will have a great time with their friends enjoying food & beverage, they’ll play multiple games and are sure to return to your business to enjoy this social activity. You can also automatically adjust pricing for higher demand times.
Get in touch
Boost your center with the most experienced partner in the business. A partner who will stand by you and guide you all the way.