Stand Out With the Crowd


Fly’n Ducks duckpin bowling is a real crowd pleaser! Transform your facility into a bowling entertainment destination for the entire neighborhood and guests will want to return again and again.


The place to party!

Guests will know your facility is THE place to celebrate good times. Once they experience the fun of Fly’n Ducks, duckpin bowling, they will want to plan future events and bring their friends and family.


Friendly competition

A dynamic duckpin bowling game that fosters friendly competition for players of all ages and abilities.


V.I.P space

A fun V.I.P. space for bowlers and guests to socialize and play together while they enjoy your facility’s food and beverage options.



Duckpin bowling is a participatory activity where everyone can either bowl or become a part of the festivities as they cheer from the sidelines.


One ball, no shoes

With Fly'n Ducks duckpin bowling, there is one single bowling ball size, AND no rental shoes! Everyone bowls in their favorite footwear!

Get in touch

Boost your center with the most experienced partner in the business. A partner who will stand by you and guide you all the way.