How Do You Want to Play Today?
This is the only question you need to welcome your guests. And to help you deliver the best choices for your guests, QubicaAMF offers an innovative variety of on-lane entertainment options, maximizing your ability to provide the best experience to every one of your customers.
The different Experience options are built from curated kits of environments and games prepared by our marketing and training experts. They cover a wide variety of consumer types, typical offers and some very popular selling practices and packages that many centers use. All with compelling BES X and HyperBowling content at the heart!
You start with these kits, each featuring beautiful, professionally designed graphics and videos. You can customize from there to best fit your center and potential customers. When your guests arrive, they will see your vibrant menu of bowling entertainment experiences, and only need to answer the question, “how do you want to play today?”


Competitive Fun

Team Play

the classic

Challenger Pro Series

Late Night

family fun

The Fast Lane

Poker night

animate yourself

Bowling Entertainment

Get in touch
Boost your center with the most experienced partner in the business. A partner who will stand by you and guide you all the way.