Best Performing in Real-World Operations
EDGE Free-Fall is the performance leader where it counts: in real-world bowling centers, real-world conditions, day in and day out. This means an amazing experience for your guests, unmatched by any other free-fall machine.

EDGE Pin Handling Technology
The industry’s most efficient pin handling system spots and re-spots pins with amazing precision—it's the heart of EDGE Free-Fall’s industry-best real-world performance.

Best Pin Pick-up range
EDGE Free-Fall has the largest pin pick-up range in the industry. This means more off-spot pins are re-spotted without interruption in play, further driving industry-best real-world performance.

Gripper Ball Return System
This system not only returns balls quickly and reliably, but its ball-wiper cloth removes excess lane oil from the ball at the same time.
CenterPunch LED Pin Lighting
CenterPunch lighting illuminates the bowling pins with endless colors and dynamic effects that react to on-lane events like strikes, spares, and gutter balls, delivering an amazing visual experience for guests.

Fastest Gameplay
EDGE Free-Fall is the industry’s fastest cycling machine on average. League players like this speed and the ability to finish sooner and centers can serve more customers during peak periods.
Get in touch
Boost your center with the most experienced partner in the business. A partner who will stand by you and guide you all the way.