The QubicaAMF Poland office has a dedicated team of employees who can provide the perfect combination of bowling and mini bowling equipment and supplies, services and support to meet your specific business needs. Our office provides a world-class sales and administrative team and technical support in local languages.
District Sales Manager

Przemysław Przewirski
District Sales Manager, Poland
Dembowskiego 9, 51-670 Wrocław
Phone: +48 790 225 246
Regional Sales Manager

Flavio Taddia
Regional Sales Manager, Italy
Via Croce Coperta 15, 40128 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 4192799
Mobile: +39 335 5740370
SVP Sales

Gian Anestis Avraam
VP International Sales & Business Development, Italy
Via Croce Coperta 15, 40128 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 4192611
Technical Support

Bowling Service Technical Support
Technical Support, Poland
Dembowskiego 9, 51-670 Wrocław
Phone: +48 790 225 246
Dembowskiego 9 51-670 Wrocław Poland

QubicaAMF Europe S.p.A.
Via della Croce Coperta 15 Bologna Italy

QubicaAMF Worldwide
8100 AMF Drive Mechanicsville, VA USA