Michael Shearer
Perfect Game - Owner
Farmington Hills, MI - USA
"Conqueror Plus Square Payments seemed like a no-brainer...The way that it integrates across all of the different parts of the business…"
Tim Pfeifer
Paradise Island Bowl and Beach - District Manager
Pittsburgh, PA - USA
"That was really where we decided that this was the product that was going to best fit our needs."
Chris Keane
Lehigh Lanes - Co-Owner
Lehigh Acres, FL - USA
"When we had the opportunity to bowl on the EDGE String USBC-Approved pinsetters, we were very impressed at how close they were to free fall."
Stacy Anderson
Let it Roll Bowl & Entertainment Center - Owner
Phoenix, AZ - USA
"When you can increase service, the sales come and these systems have led to a lot of opportunity."
Will Mossontte
Empire Bowl - Owner
Redlands, CA - USA
"The benefits to the bowlers since we went to the USBC-Approved EDGE String pinspotters has been tremendous."
Hannah Landrum
Tangi Lanes - Assistant Manager
Hammond, LA - USA
"The more that you have available to your guests, the higher your tickets are going to be."
Dave Small
Bowl 32 - Owner
Noblesville, IN - USA
"I think it's going to take us to the next level, and I think it's going to really enhance the experience that we can provide."
Tim Pfeifer
West Pike Bowl - District Manager
Canonsburg, PA - USA
"We really want to have a seamless integration between our food and beverage service and our bowling service."
John Kilpatrick
Holiday Lanes - Owner
Johnson City, TN - USA
“When I saw Neoverse, I was like, this is the next step of entertaining our guests.”
Steve Sherman
Cedar Bowl - Lane Maintenance Manager
Cedar City, UT - USA
"It's comforting for us to know the quality we get from QubicaAMF on these EDGE String pinspotters. They’ll save you time, money and anxiety. They’re virtually stress-free."
Dave Small
Bowl 32 - Owner
Noblesville, IN - USA
"We know what's coming for the business and we're able to act accordingly and staff accordingly to make sure that each part of the business is well taken care of for each time period."
Curtis Stavich
HeadPinz - Director of Amusements and Entertainment
Fort Myers and Naples, FL - USA
"It operates very seamlessly with our systems…It's a seamless system and faster."
"This is the bowling of the future."
“Neoverse is the revival of bowling.”
Stephen & Cassie Hoehnen
Foxx View Lanes, Owners
Waukesha, WI - USA
“Both of us will tell you, it was 100 % worth it. We definitely like it. And we have another center that we're getting ready to put them in as well."
EJ & Natalie Tackett
EZ Bowl - Owners
Bluffton, IN - USA