1965 Bowling World Cup Champion

Lauri Ajanto
Total inc.bonus
High game
Ireland's only bowling center, 12-lane Stillorgan Bowl in Dublin was selected to launch the International Masters. The male champions from 20 nations (women were introduced to the format in 1972) included a variety of talents and occupations ranging from the U.S.'s Tom Hathaway, who was the American Bowling Congress all-events champion that year, to Frank Duffy, Stillorgan's mechanic and winner of the Irish national roll off. (Unfortunately for Mr. Duffy, he overslept the morning of the opening ceremonies, and not only lost his position in the tournament to rival Des Murphy, but his job at Stillorgan, too!)

Hathaway, a crew-cut Californian, was the clear-cut favorite of the Irish bookmakers, as well as the European sportswriters that had been assigned to Stillorgan Bowl. Many of these writers continued to follow the tournament for years, even decades. Britain's Barry James, who was then the sports editor of the Birmingham Sunday Mercury, has covered it for Reuters and various other news services for 34 straight years. Mort Luby Jr., editor of Bowlers Journal and Associated Press correspondent, also topped the 30-year mark prior to retiring.