Paradise Island Bowl and Beach - Neoverse

Tim Pfeifer
Paradise Island Bowl and Beach - District Manager
Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Neoverse Delivers a Fully Immersive, Guest Experience
“Once we realized that Neoverse integrated with the scoring and it wasn't just a picture of the scoring grid on an LED wall, that was really where we decided that this was the product that was going to best fit our needs.” – Tim Pfeifer, District Manager, Paradise Island Bowl and Beach.
Paradise Island Bowl in Neville Island, just north of Pittsburgh, PA is family owned and has operated since 2001. They are the go-to destination for families, friends, and bowling enthusiasts with 24 lanes of upscale bowling with a state-of-the-art scoring system. Situated on the banks of the Ohio River, guests can arrive via boat on their private dock and enjoy bowling, an arcade, axe throwing, and a seasonal beach with sand volleyball, live music, and beach karaoke.
The Challenge: Looking for a Differentiator
Paradise Island Bowl was looking for ways to up their game in terms of the overall guest experience. They host many corporate parties, and team building events, and were looking to differentiate themselves from other centers as well as deliver a fully immersive, entertainment experience for their guests.
“Bowling has this stigma that nothing ever changes.” – Tim Pfeifer
The Solution: Neoverse; Fully Immersive Guest Experience
Paradise Island has made many operational changes and updates over the years from pinsetters to bumpers and gutters. The decision to install Neoverse was 100% customer experience driven. And they realized it was the best way to tailor their business for their guests, provide a constantly evolving environment, and improve overall customer experience for both league bowlers and their open play guests.
“If I've got a competitive league on the 16-lane side, I can show something like Magic Triangles... While on the other side (for open play guests), we can be doing some of the interactive environments. I think a lot of the reasons that we stay busy is because we're constantly evolving…now customers can see something different, and it can look different every single time that they come into the center.” – Tim Pfeifer