West Pike Bowl - Conqueror plus Square Payments

Tim Pfeifer
West Pike Bowl - District Manager
Canonsburg, PA - USA
Conqueror plus Square Payments Delivers a Seamless Integrated Customer Experience
“I think the technology that Square uses is phenomenal… They really blow some of the older credit card machine technology out of the water.” –Tim Pfeifer, District Manager, West Pike Bowl
West Pike Bowl is a premier bowling center nestled in the heart of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. They offer guests 20 lanes of ten-pin bowling, a cashless/ticketless redemption arcade, and a full-service bar and restaurant at Otto’s Pub. This fun spot strikes up memorable experiences for all ages. Eat. Drink. Bowl. Play.
The Challenge: Fragmented Payment Systems
West Pike Bowl needed to update their payments solution. Their standalone credit card processor was not integrated with their Conqueror X bowling management software, and they wanted a solution that spanned their bowling service and food and beverage transactions. The District Manager of West Pike Bowl, Tim Pfeifer, shared that they needed an updated payments solution with an easy staff interface that delivered a great customer service experience.
“We really want to have a seamless integration between our food and beverage service and our bowling service.” – Tim Pfeifer
The Solution: Conqueror plus Square Payments
Once West Pike realized that they could have a single, easy to use payment solution across their bowling and food and beverage service, it made their decision to move forward with the Conqueror plus Square Payments integration easy. “Their processing is incredibly fast compared to all the other credit card machines that we've used”, says Pfeifer. “And it speeds up checkout. It speeds up when we split checks and have to run multiple cards.” West Pike Bowl has benefitted from the simplicity of the Conqueror plus Square system and the ability of customers to take control of their payment experience.
“It's super simple. It's wireless. You just hand customers the terminal. They do everything on their own.”